We go to great lengths and put in the work to make the procedure at Brella Contract as easy as possible for our clients. We want you to be completely free from the burden of the CIS with our service, so that you can concentrate on your business, without the worry of falling foul of HMRC penalties.

Set up with Online CIS Payroll is simple

  • Submit your subcontractor details to Brella Contract
  • We send their contracts and enrol them when they are returned to us
  • We verify the CIS status of your subcontractors

Then you’re good to go. We will keep you informed throughout the set-up process. It’s usually very quick, and we’re very good at what we do!

When it’s time to pay the wages

  • We invoice you for your subcontractors’ wages
  • We pay your subcontractors via bank transfer, after deducting their CIS payments
  • We send their CIS statements

So, as you can see, you need to do very little. Apart from putting us in contact with your subcontractors and paying our bill, that’s about it! No stress, no hassle, and peace of mind knowing that you are compliant with HMRC’s CIS.

Avoiding stress and penalties with Online CIS Payroll

Obviously, there’s no getting around the CIS. As with any other HMRC tax legislation, failure to comply prompts a swift and fierce response. And when you are trying to run your company, this is another headache and expense you don’t need. Brella Contract can take this burden away!

Current penalty charges in place by HMRC if you fail to comply:

£100 for 1 day late submissions

£200 for 2 month late submissions

£300 or 5% of the CIS deduction (the highest amount) for 6 month late submissions

£300 or 5% of the CIS deduction (the highest amount) for 12 month late submissions

Up to £3000 or 100% of the overdue CIS deduction (the highest amount) for returns later than this!

Your next step

Now you know whether you need to register for the CIS, the first step is to contact HMRC and let them know you wish to be registered through the CIS. They will give you detailed information about what happens next and send your Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR), and after you have activated your UTR you’ll be ready to go.

Further details about how to register for CIS can be found on GOV.UK

Uncertain about what you need to do?

Brella Contract is more than happy to arrange a free consultation where we can discuss your needs and ensure that you meet all your HMRC expectations.

Call Brella Contract and we’ll put you straight!

For more information and an overview of what is expected of you as a CIS contractor, you can visit GOV.UK.

Online CIS Payroll Costs

Obviously, every company is different. Some companies have vast numbers of employees, whereas some only have a few. The beauty of using Brella Contract is that there is no fixed fee, it’s entirely dependent upon the number of workers you employ. You will only every pay fees to us based upon the number of workers you wish for us to handle. And we are well aware that this could very well change from week to week. Payments are available weekly, fortnightly and monthly.

Simple process

Simply let us know how many employees you want us to pay, you send their details and we invoice you for their payments. We take care of paying them, take the necessary deductions and do all the paperwork! All of our administration and notification services come to you at no extra charge, this is all calculated into the fee you will pay.


  • You pay no set-up fees
  • There are no contracts
  • No limits for subcontractors
  • You pay for who we process
  • Quit whenever you want